How to guides

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How to start with Newton

Basic data structure

Basic Concepts.png

How to start?

Entities are the most central elements of Newton. Before creating your first entity, a couple of preparations should be done:
Review and extend the basic to match your requirements. The most important option groups are:
Newton’s default entity types are:
Master Holding – Top company of a Project
HoldCo – Holding
OpCo – Operational company
AssetCo – Company that owns Assets (financial, virtual or physical)
> Entity Status
> Contact Group
Create contacts and assign their contact group(s), so that select list for responsible persons, shareholders, or directors are not empty. (This step is not mandatory as most functions provide a “quick-add” button to add new contacts.)

Main data

The first entity should be the “highest of your structure”, so that it is available as a shareholder for the subsidiary companies. Typically, this entity is a holding company. Newton uses the entity type “Master Holding” as the top of a structure ( can be renamed and extended as you need it).
To set-up an entity, you will need:
Basic data such the name and legal form of the entity,
Shareholders (which can be natural persons (see how to ), entities or companies not managed in Newton)
Directors and other officers with statutory authority
Corporate and/or tax advisors
Other stakeholders
For better separation and management we recommend to assign a Role and a Group to all of them, but this is not required. Check to understand better Roles, Groups and Overview.


Plan the structure of your Project(s). In some cases it makes sense to group company structures by purpose (Asset Class), in others by jurisdiction, project size or stakeholders. A good structure is key for proper reporting and management.

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