General Concept

Newton’s User-/Access Rights system is flexible and granular.
It consists of Rights, Roles, Groups, and Collections. A set of Rights defines a Role. A set of Roles defines a Group. Rights, Roles, and Groups define access to certain functions or areas of the Newton software. Collections can be used to grant access to data: Projects, Entities, or Bank Accounts.
Some basics in short:
A user without any rights can log in to Newton but won’t see anything. This implies that only the rights granted are relevant.
The general structure is RIGHT → ROLE → GROUP, where rights cannot be assigned to users. It always needs a Role.
A Role is a set of Rights.
A Group is a set of Roles.
In addition, user access can be restricted to specific data. All combinations are allowed:
A list of Projects.
A list of Collections.
A list of Entities.
Collections are managed under “Options”/”Project Entity Collection” and represent a set of
specific Projects,
Project Groups,
specific Entities, or
Bank Account Types.
The “System Administrator” Role has all Rights, including the Right to change Roles, Groups, and Collections.
Because Roles cannot be used to invite new users, we added a Group “Newton Administrator” with the Role “System Administrator”.

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